Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 10 - Hope?

Yesterday we went to look at a house. Not an apartment, a house. We fell in love with it right away since it had many of the things we've wanted in a place, and it's on one of our favorite streets in town. It's a quiet neighbourhood, 2 minute walk from Hayden's school, and has a nice backyard that the boys could play in.

Today we will find out if we're going to be moving into it in on the first of September. Oh look...I'm back to waiting! This time though, I'm waiting with high hopes because I'm almost positive that it's going to swing in our favor and for the first time since we first got married, I'll have a house with a yard for my boys to play in. A yard with flowers and rhubarb and a fire pit. A house with a dishwasher and a laundry chute!

So I won't write much more right now...I'll save it for later today when I get the final word. Wish us luck!

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