Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 3 - Phone Rage

I have a love-hate relationship with my telephone.

Some days I love it because it keeps me from being lonely. If at any point in my day I crave conversation with someone whose favorite topic to rave about is not Spiderman, I can pick up my telephone and mother. Because let's face it, I don't have many friends and my mother is awesome. I also love it when it rings with a surprise phone call from my sister or sister in law or cousin.

Today my telephone and I are NOT FRIENDS.

That telephone is supposed to be ringing with someone on the other end who can provide us with answers, and the only person to call us all day was someone wanting to confirm a bill payment and the time remaining in the day for us to get answers is quickly ticking off the clock.

For those of you wondering about the "one week versus three months" debate from yesterday, Johnny called to get to the bottom of it and they said it's normally three months-ish because most people need to get some sort of clearance, be it from a doctor, employer or something like that. Johnny is right now only waiting on his background check. Which we know is fine...they just need the paperwork.

So since my post for today is boring and I'm anxious to get back to glaring at my telephone as if I could will it to ring, check out The Winter of My Discount Tent", a blog of a friend of mine. She's way funnier and more interesting than me right now!


  1. I completely understand how much waiting sucks. When I get my mind set on doing something, it better happen right now. Or sooner. Better if it was yesterday. But the best way to get your phone to ring? Get the kids all ready to go somewhere, then as you're approaching the door - bam! Phone!

    A few years ago, I worked with a guy who loved to talk about superheroes. So one day, we're all sitting around with no work to do and he starts up. He's asking everyone about their favourites and delving so deep into backstory, I have to wonder if he thinks he's part of the story.

    So he gets to me. And I'm not big on superheroes. I smile innocently and tell him that I'd like to cross Superman with a shark and he would just fly around all day, biting people.

    I was never asked about superheroes again.

    (Thanks for the link!)


    I, too, have very much the same love/hate relationship with my phone as well. When I just want to be left alone to read a book, or watch a movie, or cuddle my baby to sleep in my arms, the damnable thing will ring off the hook. It is not that I don't wish to talk to the people who are calling me. Quite the contrary. I would love to talk to whoever has so wonderfully thought to call me and talk -- just -- not right that moment. This does not normally bother most people. They leave a message and I call them back later. But. BUT. There are some people...

    I do not have call display (I had it taken off my line when I realized that 70%+ of my phone calls showed up as "unknown number" -- I mean really, what is the point?), so I have to rely on people leaving a message to know who is calling me. It is a simple concept, really! But someone, and I do not know who, does not seem to UNDERSTAND this!!! The phone rings, the answering machine picks up and whoever is on the other line listens to the WHOLE message...and then hangs up. Not once. but SEVERAL FREAKING TIMES!!! I will have 20 messages on my machine, all of them hangups, and the whole time I was sitting beside the phone with my hand on the receiver just waiting to hear who was on the other end. Here is the part that boggles my mind, though: They listen through the message every single time. Every time. As if it will someone be magically different from one call to the next.

    Drives me batty.

    Anyways...that my love/hate relationship with my phone. PLEASE do not let this rant dissuade you from trying to call, though....I do LOVE to talk on the phone!!!

    Love Janet
