Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 2 - More Waiting

So Johnny finally did show up yesterday, just so you know. I'm not still sitting in a hotel lobby a day later.

He showed up smiling since apparently all testing went swimmingly. He passed his medical with flying colors (minus the fact that he is apparently as color blind as you get) and the interview was incredible. He was also told that he could get a call back with a BMQ date as soon as today.


So the wait may not be as bad as we thought, right?

Well...maybe. He called there today to ask a question that he had forgotten to ask yesterday and also casually asked if she knew when he might hear back. She said...maybe about three months. what? Why would they tell him two such drastically different stories? Now I'm going a little crazy here because as I explained to you before: Joanie + Waiting = Nothing Good. Tell me that I could get some details this week and then tell me that I might be waiting for three months?! So who's right here? Johnny thinks that the person that interviewed him just might have a bit more insight than the person he was talking to today, so I'm still hoping for the best. I'm not eager to have him leave, but since it's something that must be done I'd like to get it over with. After all, the sooner he leaves, the sooner we can be together again and settle into our new life.

Today my routine is all messed up. I'm still sitting here in my pyjamas at noon, trying to muster the energy to get up and do the things I know I need to do. Silas and Hayden have not been pleasant today, probably due to their routine being messed up after nights with Nanny (Johnny's mother) and Momma (my mother) and not sleeping in their own beds. Silas was exceptionally cranky and tired and is now napping. I'm supposed to be sorting through boxes and totes and drawers for yard sale items...but I'm so tired and lazy that I just can't seem to move from my computer chair.

Oh well, maybe after lunch.

*wishes the waiting would go faster*

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