Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day 42 - Meltdown

I'm normally a very good cook. You can ask anyone that has had dinner at my house and they will testify to it. Heck, ask Johnny and you may never get him to shut up about my cooking.

But tonight...I epically failed.

I decided to be a bit of a smarty pants tonight and cook tomorrow's dinner today. That way I'd have less mess and fuss tomorrow, right? I thawed the pork chops and put them in the oven, seasoned just the way we like them. At the 30 minute mark I turned them, marvelling at how well they were coming along. Popped them back in the oven and set the timer.

That's where the story takes a turn for the worse.

I then went downstairs with Johnny to our office to play some games...and didn't realize that the timer isn't loud enough to be heard down there. When I remembered the food I dashed upstairs to check and found this:

Fail in a roasting pan

The picture doesn't even do my insurmountable failure proper justice. These things are shriveled, burned, and so hard you'd break your teeth trying to bite one.

I immediately had a meltdown. I cried and berated myself for being so stupid as to ruin food when we're already trying to be so careful with our budget. I felt like an idiot. How could I forget? How could I not have brought the timer downstairs with me so that I would be sure to hear it?

My sweet husband put his arms around me and told me how much he loved my cooking and that everyone makes mistakes...that burning the food once in the past few years really wasn't that big a deal.

Did it make me any less frustrated about ruining the food? No. I think I love him just a little bit more though.


  1. At least it you didn't burn the dinner you were cooking THAT night! Nothing's worse than a hungry army and the smell of burnt chops!

  2. OH MY GOD!!!

    You burn supper as often as I make a good one!!!

    I actually gave up completely on making supper for my family. It does not matter what I make, all I hear is: "I don't like that. Can I make a sandwich instead?"

    So now, I make supper for my husband and I, and I tell the kids to make sandwiches. Now I hear: "I don't want sandwiches...I want something good for supper." And for those of you without children, "something good" equals Macaroni and Cheese mixed with a can of beans. *sigh*

    Supper is not the only meal of the day that I dread to the core of my being. Lunch is also pretty brutal. For Example: I was making sandwiches for lunch this morning for the first day of school. I hear: "I don't want jam. I don't like jam."

    So I put the jam away and got out the bolona. "I don't want bolona." so I put the bolona away and bring out the deli meats (turkey/corned beef/ham).

    "I don't like those either." At this point, I sighed and made the mistake of asking what they wanted for lunch. "Peanut Butter and Banana."

    Again, for those of you without kids: Peanut Butter is a no-no at school. And we don't have any bananas.

    I sighed and went on with making them a deli meat wrap with mozerella cheese (that they don't like, btw), cheese slices (which they only like in grilled cheese sandwiches I learned this morning), and cucumbers, which they didn't want in a sandwich because that's apparently quite gross. Silly me.

    The lunch woes don't stop at the sandwich, though! Oh no. I also packed them pears which I cored and sliced for them. Apparently they only like their APPLES cored and sliced and peeled, they like to eat their pears whole.

    They were given a handful of their favourite chips: "But mommy! I don't like that flavour!!! What flavour is that, anyways?" *deep sigh*

    They argued over what colour sucker was the best colour. This discussion actually came to blows.

    They got a yogurt, which started an argument over whether the yogurts were stirred or fruit-on-the-bottom which my kids -- are you ready for this? -- don't like. This discussion also came to blows. Mostly delivered by me.

    And so insued the argument over wanted plastic, one wanted metal, one said that metal spoons were banned from school, one said that plastic spoons were banned from school, one said neither were banned from school. I took the spoons away and told them to use their fingers. They just stared at me.

    Is it any wonder I don't cook for my kids? And I get to do it again tomorrow morning. And the morning after that, and the morning after that, and the get the idea.

    And for those of you who might suggest that I let my children make their own lunches, don't. I gave it a good 3 weeks. It ended abruptly when I got a call from the school with a helpful, sympathetic secretary offering the numbers of the local food banks. *shudder*

    Anyways, Joannie, you are a -fabulous- cook. And one burned meal in so many years is only a tribute to how good you ARE! Come to my house some time if you need to lower your standards a bit. :-)

    Love Ya Sis!

  3. Ask me about the "Spaghetti Incident" sometime! ;-)
